Every day, millions of people around the world begin their day with a cup of coffee. But almost every country and culture has its own unique take on the phrase “Cup of Coffee”. Countries around the world drink their coffee way differently to how it is drunk here in the Royal Coffee Roasters Coffee Shop. Here are some of our favourite cultures and their coffee-drinking habits:


French coffee is often served in a cafe au lait bowl. This helps – no joking– with dunking baguettes.

Café au lait bowls give you a feeling of control, have a satisfying weight and are generally well-insulated allowing for more coffee and keeping it warmer for longer.

The ability to curl your hands around something so large and warm adds to the experience.

A Sip of Culture || Cafe Au Lait


Indian Kaapi is brewed ridiculously hot, then poured from one stainless steel container to another – at about three feet – to aerate it. Indian coffee is sold “by the yard,” or “meter-high.” During this back-and-forth pouring, the coffee develops a good head of foam. The final product has a strong flavour since it’s brewed with chicory (a purple flower with a savoury root).


While coffee is a traditional morning drink in most places, in Turkey it’s treated almost as a dessert. Turkish coffee is, according to a local proverb: “black as hell, strong as death, and as sweet as love.” Turkish coffee is served at temperatures that would trigger lawsuits in some countries, often with candy and usually after dinner. It is made by boiling ground beans in a cezve – a small brass pot also known as an ibrik, usually with sugar.


Buna is strong coffee, brewed over several hours, then poured in small quantities and flavoured with salt and butter, rather than sugar or cream. Salt is known to curb bitterness, which makes it a perfect fit for coffee. One would expect to be weirded out by the saltiness of the butter, but it is said that is it creamy and the bitterness is non-existent. Drinking butter coffee is said to:

Kickstart your body’s fat-burning processes.
Potentially improve your cognitive abilities, without the post-caffeine crash.


Authentic Mexican coffee, is known as Café de Olla which is served a clay pot with a narrow top, cinnamon and piloncillo, the rawest form of sugar cane. The spicy undertone fires up the coffee and leaves an aftertaste that lasts until you get to the office. The coffee is traditionally served to guests at wakes, which can last all night – hence the coffee.


Vietnamese egg coffee -Cà Phê Trứng- is anything but a clearer coffee with a mild taste. It all started at a time when milk wasn’t easily found in Vietnam and egg yolk was used a replacement. Okay really now – Egg Coffee. The most common method is whipping together egg yolk and condensed milk until it is creamy and then pouring the coffee into it. It’s supposed to taste like a coffee custard.

A Sip Of Culture || Vietnamese Coffee || Cà Phê Trứng


How about drinking coffee that has been infused with cheese? Now, it makes sense; milk, cheese, and butter all have similar characteristics that function and take away the bitterness and affect the caffeine-delivery system. The cheese used is apparently sweet-ish when cold, and nutty with a mozzarella essence when toasted.

A Sip Of Culture || Sweden Coffee || Kaffeost

But here at Royal Coffee Roasters, we love our coffee just the way we make it. People love their coffee (especially those who drink Royal Coffee Roasters coffee), and when you love something, you like to push the boundaries of its capabilities.
Push the boundaries of your capabilities with The Royal Result!
Tell us which country and their coffee-drinking habit interests you.

If you’re looking for something different, we can guarantee you’ll find it in our online shop!

Contact us to introduce you to pure coffee culture!

011 452 2751 | 076 810 0358 | relax@royalcoffee.co.za | DATE of original Article 24.05.17